Wininizio PenSuite es una colección de software opensource totalmente gratuito que puedes copiar en tu pendrive o en tu disco duro.
En este caso, la suite es de utilidades de redes y lleva lo siguiente:
* AM-Deadlink: (spots dead links among Favourites)
* AmayaWX: (open source web editor )
* aMSN: (instant messenger)
* Avant Browser:
* (Internet Browser; a very good alternative to Internet Explorer)
* CurrPorts: (Show current open ports and application using them)
* CurrProcess: (shows the running processes; alternative to Windows’ Task Manager)
* DirHTML: (creates lists in HTML)
* DRTCP: (allows the modification of parameters of the Internet connection, such as MTU, time stamping, etc.).
* eMule: (P2P)
* Favorites View: (lists and allows the management of the favourites)
* Filezilla Portable: (FTP client)
* HTTP File Server: (file server: web file swapping)
* HTTrack Website copier: (allows to copy an entire website onto the hard-disk)
* IPnetinfo: (Textual WHOIS)
* MozUp FireFox: (Internet browser)
* MozUp Nvu: (Open source Html editor to create web site)
* MozUp Thunderbird: (renown e-mail client)
* MyPopupKiller: (pop-up and advertising windows blocker)
* NbtConnector: (allows to reach easily shares resources of those computers outside our LAN)
* nPop: (mail monitor: checks e-mail boxes informing the user about new mail, allowing to write messages with using external clients)
* PopTray: (checks e-mail boxes informing the user about new mail)
* Reach-a-mail: (e-mail client)
* RSciTE: (advanced text editor)
* Server2Go: (Web Server – supports PHP, SQLite, MySQL)
* Spazio Televideo: (reads the headline of the la test news passing on the top of the screens)
* Spazio Calendario: (generates a simple perpetual calendar with customisable local festivities)
* Spazio Commander: (software to quickly use the search engines Google, Lycos, AllTheWeb, Ixquick, Itaki, Altavista and other, finds phone users, city maps, ZIP codes and helps with the linguistic translation of words)
* Star Downloader: (download manager)
* The Gimp: (image management and editing)
* TightVNC: (remote access to the PC’s desktop)
* TrafficEmulator: (traffic emulator in various protocols to put servers and firewalls under stress)
* Ultra VNC: (remote desktop)
* uTorrent: (client for BitTorrent protocol)
* WhoisThisDomain: (supplies information about registered domains connected to the WHOIS server)
* WinUpdatesList: (summarizes the hot fixes installed in the system, allowing to uninstall them)
* Yaps: (port scanner)
* zDC++: (clone of the taskbar used by Apple in MacOS X)

Como siempre hasta ahora, estos post vienen de la fuente de información: Taringa!
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